Thanks to the 21-day lockdown, one of the most iconic TV serials in India, Mahabharat has returned to the public broadcasters DD. The episodes of Mahabharat are being shown every day from March 28 two times a day at 12 noon and 7 pm on DD Bharti. The TV serial Mahabharat is based on the Hindu Epic Mahabharat written by Ved Vyas and was directed by Ravi Chopra. The TV series was produced by BR Chopra and the first episode of Mahabharat was broadcast on Doordarshan on 2 October 1988. It had 94 episodes and on June 24, 1990, the series ‘final instalment was broadcast. The IMDB has ranked the serial at 8.9/10. Mahabharat is considered as a gold standard in terms of TV series success. It left a maximum impact on a generation that was hooked to Sunday morning prime-time watching it religiously.
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Streets around the country used to get empty during the broadcast of Mahabharat, and earlier Ramayan, and people would leave or interrupt their work to watch the show. The sort of massive popularity can only be imagined in the days of OTT platforms. Although it smashed all of India’s TRP records, it was a super hit in the UK and other countries too. Mahabharat TV series attracted up to 5 million viewers a Saturday afternoon on BBC2, according to the Guardian report.
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